endorser acro police

Other types of certificates We require your endorser's full name, occupation and relationship to you. Thank you for requesting an application pack for an ACRO certificate. Saturday, Sunday and UK Bank Holidays are not working days. All certificates contain a number of security features to prevent fraud and unauthorized production or copying. } The NPCC asks for someone who's known me two, so unless they're willing to give me some leeway, they're out. var nl = new Array(e.rl.length), Payment by bank transfer must be made through your bank and the bank may charge you for this service. Please contact the ACRO Customer Services Team if you are still unable to provide sufficient documents to satisfy these requirements. ACRE Police CertificatesFrequently Asked Questions These notes apply to applicants wishing to obtain a Police Certificate for immigration purposes Who can apply for a Police Certificate? 0 : parseInt(e.tabh); }; 0 : parseInt(e.tabhide); By continuing to browse the site you agree to our policy on cookie usage. They call this process the stepping down model. WR3 8SP The reason I am asking is because when I checked it, it is asking for documents and details such as last known address in UK and endorser and other information which I would think only a person who has lived there rather than visited would have. Get the free acro endorser template. Edit: Located in Wales! This is liable to rise over time in line with inflation. Have you received an email from someone claiming to represent ACRO? Your current address is where you live now and can be outside of the UK. There is a list of acceptable occupations for endorsers on the ACRO website. This is the same type of process as getting a passport application countersigned. There is a list of acceptable occupations for endorsers on the ACRO website. In order to satisfy ACRO requirements, your application must be endorsed by an individual employed as one of the following or similar professions. Ensure all sections are completed The UK driving licence paper counterpart is notan acceptable proof of address, even if it shows your current address. We do notaccept envelopes or hand written documents as proof of your current address. A valid email address. 5. Information which will appear on the Police Certificate ACRO cannot We identify the Officer signature and attach the apostille. Copies of other official photographic identity documents should show as many of these features as possible. The periods for offences to be forgotten are longer than in standard rehabilitation legislation as it applies to a basic DBS certificate. })(); body,.et_pb_column_1_2 .et_quote_content blockquote cite,.et_pb_column_1_2 .et_link_content a.et_link_main_url,.et_pb_column_1_3 .et_quote_content blockquote cite,.et_pb_column_3_8 .et_quote_content blockquote cite,.et_pb_column_1_4 .et_quote_content blockquote cite,.et_pb_blog_grid .et_quote_content blockquote cite,.et_pb_column_1_3 .et_link_content a.et_link_main_url,.et_pb_column_3_8 .et_link_content a.et_link_main_url,.et_pb_column_1_4 .et_link_content a.et_link_main_url,.et_pb_blog_grid .et_link_content a.et_link_main_url,body .et_pb_bg_layout_light .et_pb_post p,body .et_pb_bg_layout_dark .et_pb_post p{font-size:22px}.et_pb_slide_content,.et_pb_best_value{font-size:25px}#top-header,#et-secondary-nav li ul{background-color:#ffffff}#top-header,#top-header a{color:rgba(0,0,0,0.64)}#top-header,#top-header a,#et-secondary-nav li li 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